Showing posts with label contemporary art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label contemporary art. Show all posts

Friday, June 16, 2017

Across The Sea exhibition

Across The Sea
Sandra Issa Exhibition
3-25 June 2017
Mouscron Cultural center Belgium

My  #project is #inspired by the tragedy happening in the #Mediterranean Sea. Thousands of #people are fleeing their war-torn homes, risking their lives to reach #Europe while seeking for #safety and a better life. We heard a lot about it in the news. But slowly, these people became just numbers of dead we count in a small article drowned in a massive amount of information. As a #citizen of the world, born in a #multicultural background, I feel moved by this #human tragedy. My project is to bring back this story in our lives. My project is an #installation of dozens and hundreds of #black and #white portraits, painted with #acrylic on #newspapers and spread like a #sea of #faces on the ground. Those faces are looking at us. They are the faces I #imagine when I think about all these people who disappeared in the bottom of the Sea. This project can also be a time-based performance: dozens of portraits flood the #space progressively. These are portraits of men and women, inspired by all these
#migrants . The portraits are made on newspaper with thick #brush and black and white paint. The #process of making these portraits can be a #live painting performance accessible to the public. This project is now being shown inside an old #swimming pool that has become an #exhibition #space in Belgium. This project was also developed during a #residency at the #Cultural Center of Namur in Belgium.

Sunday, May 21, 2017

Across the Sea exhibition 3-25 June



exposition exhibition

3-25 Juin 2017

Vernissage Vendredi 2 juin à 19h
Musée des Beaux-Arts à Mouscron - Ancienne Piscine
Place Charles de Gaulle - 7700 MOUSCRON - Belgique

Acces libre . Me-Ve-Sa-Di 14-17h 


Sandra Issa
Exposition au Centre Culturel de Mouscron
3-25 Juin 2017

Juin 2016. Je visite le centre culturel de Mouscron. L’ancienne piscine transformée en lieu d’exposition est l’espace que je vais investir. La piscine date des années 40. Sous une verrière, le lieu baigné de lumière en ce mois de juin me fait penser aux vacances.
Vacances, soleil, pour moi, comme pour beaucoup, cela rime avec Méditerranée. Chez moi, je ressors des photos de vacances prises dans des lieux ensoleillés autour du bassin méditerranéen ou plus loin encore. Destinations oubliées, moins connues ou disparues, ces lieux chargés d’histoire dévoilent dans mes images un quotidien tranquille. Ces photos sont exposées sur les portes des cabines qui entourent la piscine. J’invite le visiteur à tenter de deviner les lieux où elles ont été prises.

Méditerranée. D’une part, elle me fait penser aux vacances et à l’insouciance ; mais d’autre part, elle me rappelle l’actualité. La Mare Nostrum est secouée par une tragédie humaine. C’est le drame des migrants qui continuent de périr chaque jour dans la Grande Bleue. Fuyant la mort, ils la retrouvent dans les flots. En 2015, ce phénomène faisait les titres des journaux. Puis progressivement, on s’habitue et le fait se banalise. Ces tragédies se transforment en une anecdote citant des chiffres quelque part au fin fond d’un journal : 3000 morts au dernier trimestre, 147 migrants disparus au large de la Lybie, 320 migrants périssent non loin de l’Italie, etc.

Aujourd'hui, on dresse des murs et des frontières, on enferme les survivants de ces traversées dans des camps-prisons, loin des yeux et de l’attention médiatique. Et pourtant, moi qui rêve sans cesse d’une vie meilleure, d’un ailleurs plus clément, je ne peux que comprendre tous ces gens qui fuient la mort et tentent de survivre. Ma question est : qui sont ces gens ? Quelle est leur histoire ? J’essaie d’imaginer qui ils étaient et quelle était leur vie. Alors je peins des visages, des dizaines et des dizaines de visages. En noir et blanc. Je crée ainsi une mer de visages qui peuplent le fond de la piscine.

Née au Liban en 1984, Sandra Issa étudie les Arts Plastiques au Liban et en France. Son travail est un commentaire sur l’actualité et la société. Il se présente sous la forme de dessins, peintures et installations. Elle expose son travail au Moyen-Orient et en Europe.

Remerciements: Michele Detry, Christian Debaere, Centre Culturel de Mouscron, Centre Culturel de Namur, Philippe Lavandy et Christophe Gramtinne

ancienne piscine Mouscron

work in progress

Sandra Issa, Portrait no4, 2016, laque sur papiers journeaux, 55x35cm



My  project is inspired by the tragedy happening in the Mediterranean Sea. Thousands of people are fleeing their war-torn homes, risking their lives to reach Europe while seeking for safety and a better life. We heard a lot about it in the news. But slowly, these people became just numbers of dead we count in a small article drowned in a massive amount of information. As a citizen of the world, born in a multicultural background, I feel moved by this human tragedy. My project is to bring back this story in our lives. My project is an installation of dozens and hundreds of black and white portraits, painted with acrylic on newspapers and spread like a sea of faces on the ground. Those faces are looking at us. They are the faces I imagine when I think about all these people who disappeared in the bottom of the Sea. 
This project can also be a time-based performance: dozens of portraits flood the space progressively. These are portraits of men and women, inspired by all these
migrants. The portraits are made on newspaper with thick brush and black and white paint. The process of making these portraits can be a live painting performance accessible to the public. This project is now being processed and will be shown inside an old swimming pool that has now become an exhibition space in Belgium. This project was also developed during a residency at the Cultural Center of Namur in Belgium.

work in progress at the artist residency in Centre culturel de Namur

Friday, July 3, 2015

Art in the city

Another #fresh #window with my #art : #enamel and #acrylic on #canvas with #vivid #figures
Check'em out in the #streets of #Tournai
A cool concept by Vitrine Fraiche, bringing you fresh art everyday in the #city

Monday, June 1, 2015

Drawings & Paintings @Vitrine Fraiche in Tournai

If you pass by Tournai, check my work @ Rue Chevet Saint-Pierre. I am exhibiting drawings and paintings in a shop, a great concept by Vitrine Fraiche :)

Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Join us at Kulter A Lab Amsterdam

Join us at A Lab Amsterdam  I will show some recent drawings. Tot ziens!

Opening Friday 24th April17:00 - 23:00
On 24th April, a new fresh exhibition opens in the A Lab Playground, well actually two: a Physical exhibition and a Virtual exhibition.
The opening starts at 17:00 with a preview of the works for sale [o.a. first show in The Netherlands for Jan Klein from Copenhagen and Sandra Issa from Beirut, next to Amsterdammers Peter Klashorst and Ottograph, Rotterdammers Michiel van der Zanden and Vicente Fita Botet, new work by Bianca Runge, Pablo Ponce and Anja Hertenberger] and a guided tour to the virtual exhibition with Oculus glasses by A Lab VR/Heroes / Adriaan Rijkens.

A Lab
Overhoeksplein 2, 1031 KS Amsterdam, Netherlands